As compared to the fourth movie in the Harry Potter sequence, the fifth one was a major disappointment and all expectations came crashing through the roof with Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix not being able to keep up to the standards of the other Potter movies. With a lacklustre screenplay and a horrible script and roles, the movie seems to be moving around in circles leaving the audience confused and dazed and made people like me doze off for a few minutes, which according to my moive watching mate was quite a depressing performance considering that in a movie called Hoax, I had fallen asleep when the commercials were being aired and woke up when the credits were being shown. It was accomapnied by a few snores of the utmost decible level according to him, though like every god fearing, soul searching human who snores, I vehemently denied that I had snored. The venue of such a fantastic snoring resort is the UGC Cine centre near my office which has 16 halls which incidentally shows the latest Hollywood movies. At 18 euros per month for an unlimited number of times UGC cine centre of La Defense has become like a second home for me and Anirban. There have been days when we have fitted in 3 movies back to back. The movie mania bug has bitten us so much that the security at the entrance of the multiplex seldom check our bags which they follow very religiously for the other viewers. Considering that we were spending so much of time in the movie hall, we became the prime victims of a office humor. The joke was that we two can save a lot of money, if we just buy a tent and set it up inside the UGC and stay there, considering that we spent half our free time in the multiplex. If you want a gross scale discount and watch movies without even shelling out a single cent from your pocket, you just have to catch hold of some unsuspecting souls, some fresh souls who would have arrived from India for the project and make him a patron of the 18 euro offer. You just have to introduce one new person to the concept of the 18 euros per month offer and you would get one month free of any liability and watch unlimited movies for free. Just that the competition to get new members into the foray of the 18 euros per mois offer. Going by this I am really tempted to make the much required comparison with wathcing a movie at Bangalore. The last city that I stayed made me shell out the maximum of amounts for accomodation, fooding, auto fare, kaam wali bai and finally going out for a movie. At Rs. 220 for a new movie at inox and Rs. 180 at PVR, Bangalore was a real killer. 18 euros per month for an unlimited set of movies is really cheap when compared to even Banglaore standards where tickets were a rarity on weekends and you had to push and shove and try by standing in lines, check online or the ticketing machine at the movie halls and pray that some seats were empty so that you had an option to buy the tickets. As compared to the PVRs and INOXs,at UGC there have been times where I have realised that there were 7 people watching a show of a movie. Though the only real sad part of it is that there are no Bollywood movies to cherish and enjoy. Going by the last set of jokes in the column of office humor people around have speculated that for me and Anirban, they would soon start showing Hindi movies. So lets see how far these predictions of the lesser mortals become correct coz I did once manage to see a poster of Govinda and Karishma Kapoor trying to say something in French to me. Incidentally with my knowledge of French being restricted to Sortie, Merci and Bonjour I understood nothing of it. So good or bad, humor or horror, cute or ugly we watch it all, as long as it is 18 euors per mois. And the latest office humor doing the rounds is that Anirban Mookherjee's smiling battisi dikhau photo will soon replace Marie Duval in the card below and he would soon be turned into the brand ambassador of UGC illimite. I guess I will watch more movies this weekend, to catch up with Mr. Mookherjee.

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